I knew from a very young age that I was going to be responsible for funding my own college education and paying my own way in life. It was obvious that my family just didn't have the money to spare, regardless of their desire to help me. I have tried to impress on my own kids that they will need to pay their own way too.
finally awake
JoinedPosts by finally awake
What is it with teens/adults and dependency on everyone else?
by punkofnice ini've seen a lot of this lately here in the uk, where teens and young adults still depend on their parents when they live away from home.. some just don't seem able to earn enough.
some are on benefits.
some earn more than me and are in debt.
Anyone else having a bad few weeks??
by quellycatface ini seem to have a really crap couple of months with stuff going wrong.
people being nasty to me.
i saw a neighbour of mine today (who i fell out with 18 months ago), to whom i've since apologised for losing my temper with, but today, when i smiled at her, she looked at me daggers!!!
finally awake
I have been struggling lately too. It seems like one disaster after another. Sometimes life really kicks you in the teeth.
JW uncle in hospital
by finally awake ini just found out that my uncle, who is a staunch jw elder, has an aortic aneurism and is in critical condition.
he's in his late 70s and he probably won't survive.
he lives several hundred miles away, so i don't see myself making the trip for his funeral..
finally awake
I'm not in the direct loop of information. Even before we quit attending the Kingdom HAll, my aunt had quit speaking to us. I have no idea what I said or did that chapped her off, but she wouldn't answer the phone or return calls. My uncle used to call me once a month or so, but he stopped doing that not too long after we quit going to the meetings. I don't know if someone told him we had quit, or if he could just somehow tell we had "turned apostate". He's my mother's brother - so I guess his wife felt obligated to notify my mom that he was in the hospital.
JW uncle in hospital
by finally awake ini just found out that my uncle, who is a staunch jw elder, has an aortic aneurism and is in critical condition.
he's in his late 70s and he probably won't survive.
he lives several hundred miles away, so i don't see myself making the trip for his funeral..
finally awake
Maybe, but the refusal of blood transfusions makes his prognosis worse.
JW uncle in hospital
by finally awake ini just found out that my uncle, who is a staunch jw elder, has an aortic aneurism and is in critical condition.
he's in his late 70s and he probably won't survive.
he lives several hundred miles away, so i don't see myself making the trip for his funeral..
finally awake
I just found out that my uncle, who is a staunch JW elder, has an aortic aneurism and is in critical condition. He's in his late 70s and he probably won't survive. He lives several hundred miles away, so I don't see myself making the trip for his funeral.
Non JW girl with a JW guy
by Accio ini want to talk about my story because i need help and advice and most impirtant a lot of comfort.. one year and a half ago i met a wonderful guy.
he was really nice and supporyed me during hard moments.
i slowly fell in love with him.
finally awake
Accio, you sound like you are still quite young. When I was in my teens, I was desperate to settle down with someone who would love me forever. Sadly, there aren't many people who are ready for lifelong committment at that age. I suffered through several painful breakups and endured some relationships that just made me miserable. Eventually I met the man who is my husband, and it all worked out. My advice for you is to work on enjoying the relationships you have without agonizing about where it's going or what it all means. And RUN far away from anyone associated with the JWs.
Tech49 has the CO over for lunch
by Tech49 inso awhile back, during our last circuit overseer visit, vic and i decided to bite the bullet.... there seemed to be very little support for the mid-week lunch plans for the co and his wife, so we signed up to host.
we definitely didnt want it to be awkward, so we invited a few others along, as a nice little group affair.
they were excited, and offered to do the cooking, so i said i would play along.. just some background.... this particular co is kind of a tool (big surprise right?
finally awake
He's going to be in for a nasty surprise when he finds out there is no social security if you didn't pay in for at least 10 years...
Need Advice "How To Shame A Jehovah Witnesses Elderettee and CBOE", What to say to Friends?
by RottenRiley in.
hi, my mom is dying of cancer and my jw brother and sister refuse to take her to chemotherapy, i thought of providing this information on their business website to debunk the claim they are "a loving family constuction company".
my next door neighbors keep asking me why i am the only one taking her to radiation and chemotherapy, should i tell them my brother and sister are the biggest pieces of shit in san luis obispo county and they hate me because i got rid of two pedophile elders by threatening the watchtower society?.
finally awake
I see no reason to sugar coat the truth when people ask a direct question. There's no need to cover over their lack of decency, but it's best to remain matter-of-fact and calm when you answer
If You Got a Call or Visit From The Elders How Would You Deal With Them?
by minimus injust curious..
finally awake
at this point it is unlikely that I would answer the phone if I recognized the number. If someone dropped by unannounced, I'd probably be polite and ask what they needed, but I wouldn't invite them inside. I doubt they'll come calling though. We've been pretty public with our holiday celebrating, Boy Scout leading new lifestyle.
I went to church today.
by quellycatface inand it was good!!
everyone dressed differently, some casually, some smart-a real mix.i would say there were 70 or so in attendance, all ages.nice atmosphere.ladies behind introduced themselves.young couple in front also.nice songs.toys for the kids.refreshments after.had a little chat with the lady vicar, she asked if i would come again.i felt welcome but not overwhelmed.jesus focused more predominantly than at the kh.i really enjoyed it..
finally awake
We went to church this morning. The local Presbyterian church allows the Boy SCouts to meet in the basement and they had a special "Scout Sunday" service today. It was the standard Protestant Midwestern small town service. Despite never having attended a Presbyterian service before, I knew most of the songs. It is a beautiful building, but the congregation is dwindling - the bulletin says last week only 25 attended the main service and only 4 attended Sunday school. There were only 3 members in the choir. The building could easily accomodate a much larger crowd.